
PLAUSIBLE CARE, INC. shall develop and maintain a program description that identifies its philosophy, purpose, and goals.


Philosophy and Guiding Principles

Our philosophy is that individuals with developmental disabilities are full citizens of the Commonwealth and, as such, deserve to be fully integrated into society. However, their strengths and challenges must be assessed, and a supportive network must be provided for them to live their lives to the fullest degree possible. We believe that most people, including individuals with developmental disabilities, function best in a community-based, coordinated system of comprehensive services.

PLAUSIBLE CARE, INC. serves to help each individual realize their goals and works with them to achieve independence while fostering dignity and self-respect. Our vision is to nurture and rehabilitate individuals with developmental disabilities while promoting their transition from dependence to self-sufficiency to the greatest degree possible. Our multidisciplinary team conducts comprehensive assessments, establishes viable individual service plans, teaches life and job skills, and links Persons Served to appropriate community resources. We also partner with community agencies to better meet the needs of the Person Served.