All contractors used by PLAUSIBLE CARE, INC. will be fully qualified to provide the services for which they are contracted.  If contract services are delivered in the individual’s home, contractors must undergo a background investigation and PLAUSIBLE CARE, INC. orientation.  Contractors will receive one hour of supervision every eighty hours they provide face-to-face services to individuals. Any contracted services will be offered by specialists in their given areas of expertise; as such, their services will be monitored while on-site providing face-to-face services.

Program Description Requirements

The VA DMAS shall reimburse Supportive In-Home Service for each participant with developmental disabilities in the Home and Community-based Services Waiver for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (Waiver).

A person shall only be eligible for Supportive In-Home Service when living in one of the following types of residences:

  • Their own home;
  • The person’s family home; or,
  • The home of an unpaid caregiver.